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Ask an OpenShift Admin Office Hour - CNI plugins and Multus

Red Hat

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Pods communicate with each other across the network, but how do they connect to the network? The Container Network Interface (CNI) provides a standardized way for network providers to allow Pods to connect. Red Hat OpenShift, via Multus, allows Pods to connect to more than one CNI at the same time. This week’s stream we were joined by three guests: Marc Curry, Product Manager for Red Hat OpenShift, along with Doug Smith and Tomo Hayashi, from the OpenShift engineering team. Together we had a discussion and exploration of CNI plugins, their function and purpose, how they interact with Pods, and some troubleshooting tips.

As always, please see the list below for additional links to specific topics, questions, and supporting materials for the episode!

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Episode 24 recorded stream:


Supporting links for today’s topic:

  • Use this link to jump straight to where we begin talking about CNI and Multus.
  • The list of CNI plugins tested with each OpenShift release is available here.

Other links and materials referenced during the stream:

Questions answered during the stream:


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