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Using a Citrix ADC for the OpenShift Control Plane

Red Hat

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This is a guest post by Pushkar Patil,Principal Product Manager at Citrix.

Many times, customers start on their Kubernetes journey with a single control plane node, where Kubernetes control plane components are all running on the same node. As they start to plan how to take their cluster to production, one of the first steps is to start looking for how to implement an HA control plane, where multiple nodes are used for high availability of the control plane components. In this blog post, we will explore how Citrix ADC can make it very easy for customers, through automation, to load balance the OpenShift control plane.

Here is the Kubernetes recommended control plane configuration for a highly available, production cluster:

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

As you see, a highly available Kubernetes cluster requires a load balancer to provide uninterrupted access to the control plane in the event a node fails and to balance the load into the control plane.

To achieve this configuration using the Citrix ADC, all of the API server instances are added to the target pool for the Citrix frontend load balancer, as shown in picture below:

A close up of a sign  Description automatically generated


Major platforms, like Red Hat OpenShift, have many control plane components and requirements. Below we will explore how automation can be used to configure the Citrix ADC to load balance the OpenShift control plane.

Before beginning, review these requirements for OpenShift installation. 

To configure the Citrix ADC to load balance the OpenShift control plane, follow the steps below:

 1: Prerequisites

Install Terraform

If you are using macOS and have Homebrew installed, then use the following command to install Terraform on your Mac:

brew install terraform

For installing Terraform on other operating systems, see the official Terraform installation guide.

Install Citrix ADC Terraform Provider Plug-in

Download and install Citrix ADC Terraform provider plug-in from the Citrix ADC Terraform Provider Official Repo.

You can download a release from the releases page and untar the binary into “~/.terraform.d/plugins/”

 2: Clone Our GitHub Repository

git clone https://github.com/citrix/citrix-k8s-ingress-controller.git
cd citrix-k8s-ingsress-controller/deployment/openshift/citrix-adc-for-control-plane/

 3: Initialize the Terraform

terraform init

 4: Create a Terraform Execution Plan

terraform plan \
 -var citrix_adc_ip="<citrix-adc-ip>" \
 -var citrix_adc_username="<citrix-adc-username>" \
 -var citrix_adc_password='<citrix-adc-password>' \
 -var lb_ip_address="<vip-of-citrix-adc>" \
 -var 'api_backend_addresses=["","",""]' \
 -var 'ingress_backend_addresses=["","",""]'

Note: The values used in this step are only for the demonstration purpose. You must replace them according to your environment.

The description for the variables used in this example is provided as follows.




Management IP address of the Citrix ADC


Username of the Citrix ADC


Password of the Citrix ADC


VIP for the Citrix ADC and provided in the installer configuration file


OpenShift control plane node IP addresses


OpenShift compute node IP addresses.  All nodes that could potentially host an OpenShift Router instance should be included here.

 5: Apply the Configs on Citrix ADC Using “terraform apply”

terraform apply \
 -var citrix_adc_ip="<citrix-adc-ip>" \
 -var citrix_adc_username="<citrix-adc-username>" \
 -var citrix_adc_password='<citrix-adc-password>' \
 -var lb_ip_address="<vip-of-citrix-adc>" \
 -var 'api_backend_addresses=["","",""]' \
 -var 'ingress_backend_addresses=["","",""]' \

 6: Verify Configs on Citrix ADC

The “terraform apply” command will create the necessary load balancing virtual servers on the Citrix ADC. If the OpenShift control plane and worker nodes are UP and running, then the status of the load balancing virtual servers would also be UP. Please see the snapshot of the Citrix ADC virtual servers configured to load balance the OpenShift control plane components below:

A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generated


When the load balancing virtual servers are UP, you can connect to the OpenShift API server or the OpenShift console using the Citrix ADC VIP (variable named “lb_ip_address”) specified during “terraform apply”.

What Does the Automation Do?

This Terraform automation creates the load balancing virtual servers needed by the OpenShift control plane components.

More specifically, below is the list of OpenShift control plane components that are load balanced by the Citrix ADC virtual servers. For more details on the OpenShift control plane components, please read the OpenShift Control Plane Architecture.

  1. API Server
  2. Machine Config Server

    Along with the Control plane component, we can use the same terraform automation to provide Ingress services in OpenShift.
  3. HTTP Ingress
  4. HTTPS Ingress


Clean Up

When you destroy the OpenShift cluster, you also need to remove the Citrix ADC configuration. To unconfigure, in case of misconfiguration or no longer being needed, you can use the “terraform destroy” command.

terraform destroy \
 -var citrix_adc_ip="<citrix-adc-ip>" \
 -var citrix_adc_username="<citrix-adc-username>" \
 -var citrix_adc_password='<citrix-adc-password>' \
 -var lb_ip_address="<vip-of-citrix-adc>" \
 -var 'api_backend_addresses=["","",""]' \
 -var 'ingress_backend_addresses=["","",""]' \

Note: If this command is executed on a working OpenShift setup, it would leave the setup unusable as the control plane VIP would be unconfigured.

Further Reading:

OpenShift supports multiple control planes for high availability in a production environment. As we have shown in this blog post, you can configure Citrix ADC in a few easy steps to be used as a load balancer for an OpenShift control plane. Just remember, you must have a load balancer in front of these for managing the OpenShift cluster control plane traffic.

Citrix OpenShift Operators

Citrix Ingress Controller

OpenShift/Citrix Deployment


Microservice based application delivery with Citrix and Red Hat OpenShift

Citrix ADC in OpenShift Service Mesh


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