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What is Flyway and use cases of Flyway?

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What is Flyway ?

image-274-1024x463.pngWhat is Flyway

Flyway is an open-source database migration tool that helps you manage schema changes in a safe and repeatable way. It’s designed to be vendor-neutral, working across various database platforms like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and more. Flyway uses version control best practices to track and apply database migrations in a controlled and automated manner.

Here’s what Flyway offers:

  • Versioned migrations: Each change to your database schema is represented as a migration script with a version number. This allows you to track the evolution of your database and easily roll back to previous versions if needed.
  • Repeatable deployments: Flyway ensures that migrations are applied in the correct order consistently across different environments, like development, testing, and production. This helps avoid inconsistencies and potential issues.
  • Automatic checksums: Flyway verifies the integrity of migration scripts before applying them, ensuring you’re applying the correct version and avoiding unexpected changes.
  • Flexible scripting: You can write migration scripts in various languages like SQL, PL/SQL, and T-SQL, depending on your database platform.
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines: Flyway can be easily integrated into your continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, allowing you to automate database schema changes along with code deployments.

Top 10 use cases of Flyway ?

Top 10 Use Cases of Flyway:

  1. Managing schema changes in complex applications: Flyway helps manage complex applications with frequent database schema changes, ensuring a controlled and organized evolution.
  2. Maintaining consistency across environments: Flyway ensures your database schemas are consistent across development, testing, and production environments, avoiding discrepancies and potential errors.
  3. Rolling back changes easily: If you encounter issues after a migration, Flyway allows you to easily roll back to a previous version, minimizing downtime and impact.
  4. Automating database deployments: Integrate Flyway with your CI/CD pipeline to automate database schema changes alongside code deployments, streamlining the process and reducing manual intervention.
  5. Collaboration and version control: Flyway promotes collaboration among developers by tracking changes and allowing for easy review and rollback of migrations.
  6. Improved database governance: Flyway helps enforce database schema versioning and change management policies, leading to better governance and control.
  7. Reduced risk of errors: By automating migrations and verifying checksums, Flyway helps minimize the risk of human errors and unexpected changes.
  8. Supports diverse database platforms: Flyway’s vendor-neutral approach provides flexibility to use it with different database platforms, avoiding vendor lock-in.
  9. Open-source and community-driven: Flyway is an open-source project with an active community, offering access to resources and support.
  10. Scalability and performance: Flyway is designed to handle large databases and complex migrations efficiently.

Whether you’re working on a small project or a large-scale enterprise application, Flyway can be a valuable tool to manage your database schema changes effectively and efficiently.

What are the feature of Flyway ?

Now, Let’s explore the features of Flyway, a popular database migration tool:

  1. Version Control for Databases:
    • Flyway enables version control for your database schema.
    • You can track changes over time, making it easier to manage and deploy updates.
  2. Simple and Reliable:
    • Flyway follows the “plain old SQL” approach.
    • No proprietary XML formats or complex configurations.
    • It just works, with zero required dependencies.
  3. Convention Over Configuration:
    • Flyway encourages convention over configuration.
    • It simplifies the setup process and decreases boilerplate code.
  4. SQL and Java Migrations:
    • Write migrations in plain SQL or Java.
    • SQL migrations support database-specific syntax (e.g., PL/SQL, T-SQL).
  5. Automated Deployment Pipeline:
    • Flyway integrates seamlessly into your deployment pipeline.
    • From version control to continuous delivery, it automates database development.
  6. Change Reports and Drift Detection:
    • Flyway provides change reports to track modifications.
    • Detect drift between your database schema and expected state.
  7. Migration Script Auto-Generation:
    • Flyway can generate migration scripts based on changes detected in your schema.
    • Saves time and ensures consistency.
  8. Schema Comparison and Static Data Versioning:
    • Compare schemas between databases.
    • Version static data alongside schema changes.
  9. Built-in Git Client:
    • Flyway includes a Git client for seamless integration with version control.
  10. Technical Support and Enterprise Features:
    • Flyway offers different editions (Community, Teams, and Enterprise).
    • Enterprise includes advanced features like migration script auto-generation, drift detection, and SQL code standard checks.

Flyway extends DevOps to your databases, accelerating software delivery while ensuring quality code! 🚀🗄

How Flyway works and Architecture?

image-275.pngFlyway works and Architecture

Flyway is a powerful database migration tool that simplifies managing and applying changes to your database schema. Let’s explore how it works and its architecture:

  1. Schema History Table:
    • When you point Flyway to an empty database, it looks for its schema history table.
    • If not found, Flyway creates it. This table tracks the state of the database.
  2. Scanning for Migrations:
    • Flyway scans the filesystem or classpath for migration scripts (written in SQL or Java).
    • Migrations are sorted by their version number and applied in order.
  3. Applying Migrations:
    • Each migration is executed within a single database transaction.
    • The schema history table is updated to reflect the applied migrations.
  4. Versioned vs. Repeatable Migrations:
    • Versioned migrations have unique versions and are applied exactly once.
    • Repeatable migrations are re-applied whenever their checksum changes.
  5. Upgrading to Newer Versions:
    • Create a new migration with a higher version number.
    • Flyway detects it and upgrades the database accordingly.
  6. Maven Plugin Integration:
    • Use the Flyway Maven plugin to perform database migrations.
    • Configure it via the <configuration> tag in your pom.xml.
  7. Other Configuration Options:
    • Configure Flyway using Maven properties or an external .conf file.
    • Specify database credentials, schemas, and other properties.

Flyway automates database evolution, making it easy to manage schema changes reliably! 🚀🗄

How to Install Flyway it?

Now, Let’s find how to install Flyway, a powerful database schema change management tool:

  1. Download Flyway:
    • Visit the official Flyway website to download the Flyway distribution.
    • Select the accurate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  2. Extract the Archive:
    • Once downloaded, extract the Flyway archive to a local directory.
    • You’ll find the Flyway executable and necessary files inside.
  3. Set Up Environment Variables (Optional):
    • Add the Flyway installation directory to your system’s PATH environment variable.
    • This step ensures you can run Flyway from any location in the command prompt or terminal.
  4. Verify Installation:
    • Open a terminal or command prompt.
    • Type flyway --version and press Enter.
    • If successful, you’ll see the Flyway version information.

That’s it! You’ve successfully installed Flyway. Now you’re ready to manage your database schema changes with ease. 🚀🗄

Basic Tutorials of Flyway: Getting Started

image-276-1024x576.pngBasic Tutorials of Flyway

This step-by-step guide will introduce you to Flyway’s basic functionalities through a simple example. We’ll focus on the Community Edition, but note that some features mentioned here might only be available in the Teams Edition.

1. Prerequisites:

  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE): Download and install if not already present.
  • Database: Choose a compatible database like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle. Set up your database and user credentials.
  • Flyway download: Download the Flyway Community Edition from https://flywaydb.org/. Extract the downloaded archive.

2. Project Setup:

  • Create a new project directory.
  • Inside the project directory, create a file named flyway.conf (configuration file).
  • In flyway.conf, add the following basic configuration details:
# Database connection details

# Database schema

# Placeholders for migration scripts

Replace placeholders with your actual database details and desired location for migration scripts (usually a folder named migrations).

3. Create Initial Migration:

  • Create a new folder named migrations under your project directory.
  • Inside migrations, create a file named V1__create_users_table.sql. The V1__ prefix indicates the version number.
  • Add the following SQL script to create a users table:


  username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE,

4. Run Flyway Migration:

  • Open a terminal and navigate to your project directory.
  • Run the following command to execute the migration:
flyway migrate

Flyway will connect to your database, detect the migration script, and apply it. You can check your database to confirm the users table creation.

5. Add Another Migration:

  • Create a new file named V2__add_password_column.sql within the migrations folder.
  • Add the following SQL script to add a password column to the users table:


  • Run flyway migrate again to apply this new migration.

6. Additional Notes:

  • You can add multiple migration scripts with unique version prefixes to manage schema evolution gradually.
  • Flyway offers various commands for advanced tasks like checking migration status, rolling back changes, and more.
  • Consider using a version control system like Git to track your migration scripts alongside your codebase for better management and collaboration.

This basic tutorial provides a starting point for using Flyway.

The post What is Flyway and use cases of Flyway? appeared first on DevOpsSchool.com.

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