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How to Retrieve the Outer HTML of an Element Using jQuery

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In HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the outer HTML of an element includes the inner HTML and the element itself and helps in showing the structure of an element. It helps to read the content of the web page. It tells about the specific HTML element and all of its children (if they exist). This approach comes into effect when the user requires to get the outer HTML of a single or all the elements of the web pages to perform the tasks accordingly.

This post illustrates all the possible methods to retrieve the outer HTML of an element.

How to Retrieve the Outer HTML of an Element Using jQuery?

Use the jQuery built-in “prop()” method or the “outerHTML” property to retrieve the outer HTML of an element.

This section comprises the practical implementation of both these possible approaches to retrieve the outer HTML of an element.

Let’s start with the practical implementation.


First, have a look at the stated HTML code:

<div id="Div1" style="height: 120px; width: 200px; border: 3px solid black">

<ul id="list1">







<p>Press F12 to open the web console.</p>

In the above code snippet:

  • Create a “<div>” element having an id “Div1” and style it with the help of the stated style attributes i.e., height, width, and border.
  • Inside the “div”, the “<ul>” tag with an id “list1” adds an unordered list with the given list of items using the “<li>” tag.
  • Lastly, the “<p>” tag defines a paragraph statement.

Note: The above particular HTML code is considered in all the methods of this post.

Example 1: Applying the jQuery “prop()” Method to Retrieve the Outer HTML of an Element

The “prop()” is a useful method that sets and gets the properties and values of the specified HTML element. Here in this method, it is used to retrieve the outer HTML of the target “<div>” element.

jQuery Code

Follow, the stated jQuery code:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

<script src="https://unpkg.com/axios/dist/axios.min.js"></script>



var elem = $('#Div1');

var html = elem.prop('outerHTML');




According to the above code snippet:

  • The first “<script>” tag embeds the jQuery library CDN using the “src” attribute from its official website.
  • The next “<script>” tag defines a small script section that first applies the “ready()” method to execute the given function when the given HTML document gets ready.
  • Next, the “elem” variable accesses the given “<div>” element as a selector using its id “Div1”.
  • After that, the “html” variable applies the “prop()” method on the accessed “div” to get its outer HTML.
  • Lastly, the “console.log()” method displays the “html” variable value on the web console.



It is verified that the web console shows the outer HTML (innerHTML + element itself) of the target “<div>’” element appropriately.

Example 2: Applying the jQuery “outerHTML” Property to Retrieve the Outer HTML of an Element

The “outerHTML” property sets and gets the HTML element including all its attributes, content, and starting and ending tags. In this scenario, it is utilized to get the outer HTML of the corresponding “<div>” element.

jQuery Code

Overview of the given jQuery code:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

<script src="https://unpkg.com/axios/dist/axios.min.js"></script>



var elem = $('#Div1');

var html = elem[0].outerHTML;




Here, the “html” variable applies the “outerHTML” property on all the tags starting from the “0” index within the accessed “<div>” element to get its outer HTML.



Here the web console successfully shows the outer HTML of the targeted “<div>” element.

Alternative Approach

The user can also apply the “outerHTML” property in this way:


var elem = $('#Div1');

var html = '';

elem.each(function(index, element) {

html += element.outerHTML;





In the above code lines, the “elem” variable is linked with the callback “each()” method to apply the “outerHTML” property to each index value of the target “<div>” element.



The output is identical to the first one i.e., return the outer HTML of the corresponding “<div>” element on the web console.


To retrieve the outer HTML of an element using jQuery, use the “prop()” method or the “outerHTML” property. Both approaches are quite simple and easy. This post briefly illustrated all the possible methods to retrieve the outer HTML of an element.

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