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Expanding 24/7 multilingual support: Now in Mandarin Chinese and Korean

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At Google Cloud, we fully grasp that the need for technical support can arise at any hour. Further,  the importance of communicating in a language you're comfortable is paramount, particularly when dealing with urgent issues.

To help, we’re expanding the current 8x5 support offering to 24x7 for P1 and P2 cases for Korean Enhanced and Premium Support customers, as well as for Chinese Enhanced customers, aligning with what we already provide for Chinese Premium Support customers today. With this, Premium and Enhanced Support customers will be able to reach out to us in Mandarin Chinese or Korean, regardless of the time or day for urgent issues.

For a comprehensive understanding of our Customer Care offerings, we invite you to visitcloud.google.com/support.

In accordance with these additions, we have amended our Technical Support Services Guidelines, ensuring they reflect recent enhancements.

We're eager to engage with an increasing number of our customers in these important Google Cloud regions, offering support and solutions in a language they're comfortable with.

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