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A Brief Guide to AWS Well-Architected Framework

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Understanding and navigating best practices for cloud computing architecture can be complicated and the industries are looking for improvement. The companies want their business to perform better to successfully build infrastructure on the cloud. AWS offers users and companies an AWS Well-Architected Framework to achieve the results they desire using the AWS best practices infrastructure.

This guide will explain the AWS Well-Architected framework and its Tool provided by the AWS cloud platform.

A Brief Guide to AWS Well-Architected Framework

AWS Well-Architected Framework allows the user to improve their strategies while launching a new application, migrating workloads, or merging existing applications. The Well-Architected Framework helps the user to gain an understanding of the best practices that will guide them on their cloud journey. The service has a tool that is available for free of cost on the AWS Management Console using its framework:


Pillars of AWS Well-Architected Framework

The following section contains information about the pillars of AWS’ Well-Architected Framework:

Operational Excellence

This pillar of the service focuses on enabling the team members and systems to support the achievement of business outcomes.


This pillar is all about protecting the data and systems in the cloud but the protection is not the only thing that it focuses on. It also provides the detection to protect the data and stay up to date with AWS cyber industry to use threat intelligence.

Performance Efficiency

Performance efficiency allows systems to scale, meet growing or shrinking demands and monitor those demands while performing experiments.

Cost Optimization

The Cost Optimization pillar allows users to perform experiments and draw conclusions based on those experiments with minimal cost. It’s all about maximizing business outcomes at the lowest price and producing innovative results.


The Sustainability and Reliability pillar makes sure that the workload of the application performs its intended functions correctly and consistently. It should work smoothly even when demand increases to achieve reliability and sustainability:


How Does AWS Well-Architected Framework Work?

AWS Well-Architected tool helps the user to review their workloads against current AWS best practices and offers guidance on how to improve their cloud infrastructure. This tool is based on Amazon’s Well-Architected framework to identify the workload using a series of questions. It allows the user to evaluate the cloud architecture and implement designs that will scale over time:


How to Use AWS Well-Architected Tool?

To use the AWS Well-Architected Tool, visit the service dashboard from the AWS Management Console:


Click on the “Define workload” button from the AWS Well-Architected Tool dashboard:


Start configuring the workload properties by typing its name with a description:


Provide the owner details to review the applications’ workload and select the environment and AWS region:


Locate the type of the industry with its name to select them from their respective menus provided by the platform:


Head to the next page by clicking on its button from the bottom of the page:


Profile application is an optional aspect and the user can create here or add later:


Select the AWS Well-Architected Framework to apply lenses on the workload:


Complete the process by clicking on the “Define workload” button:


The well-architected tool has been used to define the workload successfully:


That’s all about AWS’ Well-Architected Framework to understand the application’s workload.


AWS Well-Architected Framework is used to get the AWS best practices to improve the work efficiency of industries on the cloud. AWS Well-Architected Framework offers multiple pillars to improve the business strategies of the workload while demand increases or decreases. AWS offers a Well-Architected Tool that is used to define the workload and apply lenses to provide AWS best practices on the cloud. This guide has explained the AWS Well-Architected Framework and its Tool offered by the AWS platform.

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