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Snapcraft.io reloaded: check out the new look and feel


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We’re happy to announce that snapcraft.io has a fresh, new look!


Time for an update

After keeping the same user interface and style for several years, we embarked on a project to redesign snapcraft.io and give it a more modern look. We spent a lot of time analysing how we could improve the store and decided on a two-stage rollout. 


The first stage of our project is a rebrand to update the look and feel of the site. We chose to align the branding across Canonical sites to give a more consistent experience across our products. This includes the updated colour scheme. In this phase, it was also important for us to understand your feedback and feed this into the work that we are doing. To capture this, we have set up a survey – you can complete it too!

Fill out the survey

User experience optimisations

The second stage is now in progress. We don’t want to simply update the appearance of snapcraft.io, but also optimise the pages themselves. We are in the process of analysing how user-friendly the site is overall and understanding areas of improvement. We are looking into how to restructure the information that is currently displayed in snap listings to make it as useful as possible to users. 

In addition, we are investigating how to structure tutorials and documentation to make the process of snap creation as streamlined as possible. We are also experimenting with a new front page, where you can explore snaps that may be interesting to you. Finally, the list of featured snaps will be updated more frequently, featuring different snaps to give more exposure and visibility to a range of snap publishers. These are just a few of the aspects of snapcraft.io that we will be addressing.

Following the first two stages, we will continue iterating and testing improvements. With the feedback that we receive from users, we will be able to address concerns and incorporate this into upcoming features.

We want to hear from you!

Fill out the survey to let us know your thoughts. All feedback is welcome and will be reviewed in detail. If you want to be involved in testing or give further feedback, leave your email address at the end of the survey and we’ll be in touch. Do share any ideas you have, not just about how to improve the store but about snaps in general. 

Write to us in the forum or contact us if you have any questions.

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