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Networking 101 Google Cloud reference sheet 2023 v2: Networking basics

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In 2022 I published the networking 101 Google Cloud sheet v1. The purpose of the sheet is to help you get a quick lightweight understanding of common networking terms and also services that exist on Google Cloud. In 2023, I have updated the sheet with more topics to include data center terms.

Networking 101 Google Cloud reference sheet v2

The networking 101 Google Cloud sheet version 2 provides you with a quick glance of some common general networking terms. In addition to the areas covered in version 1, there’s a new section for data center networking terms. 

The document is divided into several topic areas and short definitions are placed under each. In addition to the descriptions, you will also find some common questions with answers included in some of the sheets sections. You can check out various topics under the following headings:

Networking 101.gif
Networking 101 Google Cloud reference sheet v2 preview

Hands-on practice

You can gain hands-on practice on the Google Cloud platform though the following methods:

You can see more Google Cloud services online via the interactive online developer cheat sheet

Want to ask a question, find out more or share a thought? Please connect with me on Linkedin and send me a message. Be sure to view the document and download the pdf of the Networking 101 Google Cloud reference sheet v2 on GitHub.

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