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How to Use Edge AI?

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Edge AI is a term used to describe the installation of artificial intelligence (AI) software on hardware. Rather than being centralized in a cloud or data center, they are found at the network’s edge, near to where data is generated or consumed. Edge AI can be applied to several types of devices, such as smartphones, laptops, cameras, robots, drones, cars, sensors, and IoT devices.

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How to Use Edge AI?

To use edge AI, one needs to consider the following steps:

Identify the use case

The first step is to identify the problem or opportunity that edge AI can address. For example, one may want to use edge AI for face recognition, voice control, gesture recognition, or anomaly detection.

Choose the device

The next step is to choose the device that will run the edge AI application. The device should have sufficient hardware capabilities and software compatibility to support the desired AI technique and model. For example, one may choose a smartphone, a smart camera, a smart speaker, or a smart sensor.

Train the model

The third step is to train the AI model that will perform the edge AI task. The model can be trained either on the device or on the cloud. The model should be optimized for accuracy, speed, and size according to the device specifications and use case requirements. For example, one may use TensorFlow Lite, PyTorch Mobile or ONNX Runtime for model training and optimization.

Deploy the model

The last step is to deploy the AI model on the device and test its functionality and performance. The model can be deployed either manually or automatically using tools such as Firebase ML Kit or AWS IoT Greengrass. The model should be monitored and updated regularly to ensure its effectiveness. For example, one may use Google Cloud IoT Core or Azure IoT Hub for model management and analytics.

Benefits of Edge AI

Some of the benefits of edge AI include:

Reduced latency

Edge AI can provide real-time or near-real-time responses to user requests or events, without relying on network connectivity or cloud availability. This can improve user experience and performance for devices that require low latency, such as video streaming, augmented reality, and autonomous driving.

Reduced bandwidth

Edge AI can decrease the quantity of data that is required to be transmitted to and from the cloud, which can save bandwidth costs and network resources. This can also enhance data security and privacy.

Reduced power consumption

Edge AI can optimize the energy efficiency of devices by using local processing instead of cloud computing. This can extend the battery life of devices and decrease the environmental effect of data centers.

Challenges of Edge AI

Some of the challenges of edge AI include:

Limited resources

Edge devices may have limited computational power, memory, storage, and battery capacity compared to cloud servers. This can restrict the accuracy of AI models that can execute on edge devices. Therefore, edge AI may require specialized hardware or software optimization techniques to achieve high performance and quality.

Model Management

Edge AI may involve a large number of distributed devices that need to be updated and synchronized with the latest AI models and data. This can pose challenges for model deployment, monitoring, and maintenance. Therefore, edge AI may require efficient model management tools and frameworks to facilitate edge-cloud collaboration and coordination.

Security risks

Edge devices may be more vulnerable to physical tampering or cyberattacks than cloud servers. It can compromise the confidentiality of data and AI models on edge devices. Therefore, edge AI may require robust security measures and protocols to protect edge devices and data.


Edge AI can enable faster, more efficient, and more secure processing of data and AI algorithms, as well as reduce the bandwidth and latency issues associated with cloud-based AI. Edge AI can also leverage several types of AI techniques, such as ML, DL, CV, and NLP. This article has explained Edge AI in detail.

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