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This Past (Few) Week(s) on OpenShift TV

Red Hat

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Just before the Holidays sweep everyone away, we thought it best to present you with some of our favorite bits from our streaming video channel. While the channel is live according to this schedule, the videos after each stream are uploaded to our YouTube channel.

Operators in a GitOps World


Christian Hernandez joins Chris Short for an adventure into the world of GitOps. With the new addition of Red Hat GitHub Actions, GitOps can get even deeper into your daily routines, enabling better CI/CD pipelines, and better collaboration from distributed teams. 

VMware NSX Container Plug-in Integration with OpenShift 4


The session will walk you through the integration of VMware NSX-T and Red Hat OpenShift via NSX Container Plugin (NCP). You will learn how you can utilize the advanced network & security NSX-T provides for cloud native workload. We will demonstrate Distributed Intrusion Detection and Prevention per Pod as well as visibility and security from a single pane of glass across all your Kubernetes clusters.

Get into Containers with the Level Up Hour


Need to learn about this whole crazy Kubernetes and containers thing? Do you like Turkey? Join Erik Jacobs as he takes you through some of the basics, and helps you advance your own career by learning about new technologies.

For Developers: Console Customization Competition


If you're using OpenShift every day inside your company, you might want to consider customizing your console. Instead of seeing our wonderful logos every time your users login, they could be seeing your company's logos. You can even set your designers to work building out backgrounds and UIs to improve the experience. This installment of the Developer Experience Office Hours (which you can always attend live!) covers our competition to reward the best customizations, so be sure to listen up for how you can participate.


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