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How to Create AWS EKS Cluster Using eksctl

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In this Kubernetes tutorial, you will learn to create an AWS EKS cluster using eksctl. I will also cover the important eksctl concepts.


To work with eksctl you need to have the following installed and configured on your workstation.

  1. AWS CLI installed and configured with required IAM permissions to launch eks cluster.
  2. eksctl CLI should be installed
  3. kubectl should be installed.

How Does eksctl Work?

When you deploy a eksctl YAML file or execute a cluster create command, it deploys Cloudformation templates at the backend. Ideally, the Cloudformation templates deploy the clusters.

eksctl is just a wrapper for Cloudformation.

Once you execute the eksctl cluster create command and if you look at the Cloudformation dashboard, you can see Cloudformation got created for EKS and getting deployed.

eksctl eks cloudformation stacks

Create EKS Cluster Using eksctl

You can launch an EKS cluster using eksctl in two ways.

  1. Using eksctl CLI and parameters
  2. Using eksctl CLI and YAML config.

Using CLI and parameters is pretty straightforward. However I would prefer the YAML config as you can have the cluster configuration as a config file.

Create a file named eks-cluster.yaml

vi eks-cluster.yaml 

Copy the following contents to the file. You need to replace the VPC id, CIDR, and subnet IDs with your own ids. Replace techiescamp with the name of your keypair.

apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
kind: ClusterConfig

  name: eks-spot-cluster
  region: us-west-2

  id: "vpc-0951fe2c76e36eab9"
  cidr: ""
      us-west-2a: { id: subnet-01b8ff5eaa0b39c10 }
      us-west-2b: { id: subnet-0e5de906289149fc0 }
      us-west-2c: { id: subnet-0185f1eee8a1a6561 }

  - name: ng-db
    instanceType: t3.small
    labels: { role: builders }
    minSize: 2
    maxSize: 4
      allow: true
      publicKeyName: techiescamp
      Name: ng-db
  - name: ng-spot
    instanceType: t3.medium
    labels: { role: builders }
    minSize: 3
    maxSize: 6
    spot: true
      allow: true
      publicKeyName: techiescamp
      Name: ng-spot

The above config has the following.

  1. Cluster VPC configurations with public subnet spanning three availability zones.
  2. Two managed node groups. One with regular on-demand instances and one with spot instances.

Now that you have a config ready, deploy the cluster using the following command. It will take a while for the cluster control plane and worker nodes to be provisioned.

eksctl create cluster -f eks-cluster.yaml

The following security groups get created during the cluster launch.

eks security groups created by eksctl

Connect to EKS cluster

Once the cluster is provisioned, you can use the following AWS CLI command to get or update the kubeconfig file.

aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-west-2 --name eks-spot-cluster

You should see the following output.

➜  public git:(main) ✗ aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-west-2 --name eks-spot-cluster
Added new context arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:936855596904:cluster/eks-spot-cluster to /Users/bibinwilson/.kube/config

Verify the cluster connectivity by executing the following kubectl commands.

kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get po -n kube-system
eks cluster validation using kubectl

Possible eksctl Errors

Let’s look at some of the possible eksctl errors.

Stack Already Exists Error

If you try to create a NodeGroup using eksctl with an existing Cloudformation stack, you will get the following error.

creating CloudFormation stack "stack-name": operation error CloudFormation: CreateStack, https response error StatusCode: 40, AlreadyExistsException: Stack [stack-name] already exists

To rectify this, Go to the Cloudformation dashboard and delete the cloud formation stack for the NodeGroup.


We have looked into AWS EKS cluster creation using eksctl CLI.

When it comes to production deployment, ensure you follow the kubernetes cluster best practices.

If you are planning for Kubernetes certification, you can use eksctl to deploy test clusters very easily. Also, check out the kubernetes certification coupon to save money on CKA, CKAD, and CKS certification exams.

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