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Will Cloud Migrations drive towards DevOps and automation?

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What is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration is the process of moving data, applications, or any other business elements to a cloud computing environment. There are many models of cloud migrations:

  • Transferring data and applications from a local, on-premises data center to the public cloud
  • Transferring data and applications from one cloud platform or provider to another – known as ‘Cloud to Cloud Migration’.
  • Reversing cloud migration, cloud repatriation, or cloud exit, where data or applications are moved off of the cloud and back to a local data center.

By doing cloud migration, applications and data will be hosted in the most effective IT environment possible, depending on factors such as cost, performance, and security.

Towards a Culture Shift

Those cloud migrations provide a good opportunity for enterprises to do a culture shift, where DevOps and automation become viable objectives. By having DevOps involved in the process and learn the requirements of the applications will largely drive improvements and add a lot of value. With cloud migrations, enterprises will have the opportunity to make that cultural shift as operations will interact more with developers. If cloud computing is to become effective for enterprises, DevOps is then crucial in getting there.

By operating these cloud migrations, there is an important need to be careful of the toolchain changes. In order to successfully move these applications from one environment to the next, DevOps has to work with custom software building companies to set up orchestration and monitoring. A good migration happens when the life cycle is already planned for, including the exit, something that DevOps-driven automation can help with.

The goal of automation is delivery consistency. After the migration, more automation needs to be delivered when it comes to monitors, infrastructure, and deployment processes.

One difficulty of monitoring and reporting perspective after the migration is the size. One size doesn’t fit at all and different sets of tools will be needed for different layers of functionality. The goal would be to capture data from all the different layers so the toolset can reflect it.

Moreover, the thresholding might not be consistent. For systems, thresholding for containerized applications or systems running in the cloud, the CPU – Central Processing Unit – usage has to be high. However, when it comes to more of a physical machine, the CPU might need to be lower. One end goal of cloud migration is to be able to take all of this and put it into the central DevOps dashboard, which will leverage all the different metrics.

For cloud migration to be done successfully and consistently, there is a culture shift required and a change to the toolchain. DevOps should be understood and implemented, and the cloud needs to be adopted around it. There should then be a drive towards DevOps tools, processes, and culture.

Cloud migrations are a good opportunity for an enterprise to improve its processes, toolchains, and culture for a successful move towards DevOps. In the long run, it will make the organization more active and stronger.

The post Will Cloud Migrations drive towards DevOps and automation? appeared first on DevOps Online.

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