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  1. As a developer, version control systems are essential to your daily work, especially in enhancing collaboration with other developers. If you use Git as your VCS, understanding how to install it on Ubuntu 24.04 is handy. With Git, you can comfortably track changes in your repository, revert changes, and more. Moreover, Git makes it easy to maintain your code in Git repositories. Before you can use Git on Ubuntu 24.04, you must know how to install it. Luckily, there are two installation options, and both are detailed in this guide. Two Methods of Installing Git on Ubuntu 24.04 Installing Git only requires access to a non-root user account and an internet connection. The method to use will depend on your preference. If you want a quick and easy way, installing Git from the Ubuntu repository is recommended. However, this method doesn’t install the latest Git version. If you want the latest version, you must install Git from its source. This approach involves more steps, but it gets the job done once you know which commands to run. Method 1: Install Git on Ubuntu 24.04 from Ubuntu Repository Git is available in the default packages on Ubuntu, and this version is considered more stable despite not being the latest version. Again, this method allows you to install Git using APT with a simple command. Some packages are installed by default, and in Ubuntu 24.04, you should have Git already installed. Verify this by checking its version. $ git --version If Git is not installed in your case, start by updating your package list. $ sudo apt update After updating the package index, we can then install Git as follows. $ sudo apt install git It’s that simple. Once the process runs and completes, Git will be available on your system, and you can configure it to start using it. If you want to install the latest Git version, use the following method. Method 2: Install Git on Ubuntu 24.04 from Source With the first method, we managed to install Git, but the installed version was not the latest. When you source packages from the default repository, you only access the latest stable version. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t get the latest Git version. To do so, you must compile Git from the source. Unlike the previous method, this approach takes more time, and you must run different commands to retrieve the package and compile it. Step 1: Install the Dependencies For us to source and compile Git, different packages are required, and we can install them using the command below. $ sudo apt install libz-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext cmake gcc Those already installed will be skipped during the installation. Step 2:Create a Temporary Directory We need a temporary directory to store and compile the retrieved Git files. We’ve named the directory tmp and navigated into it. $ mkdir tmp $ cd /tmp Step 3: Download the Latest Git Version You can only find the latest Git version from its website. To know which version you should download, visit the Git project website. Once the site loads, locate the latest version. We have v2.44.0 as the latest when writing this post. Next, use curl to download the Git tarball with the below command. $ curl -o git.tar.gz https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-2.44.0.tar.gz Ensure you replace the command to match the latest version, depending on when you read this post. Step 4: Unpack the Tarball Once you download the Git tarball, we must unpack it using tar. After unpacking, use the cd command to navigate to the Git directory. $ tar -zxf git.tar.gz $ cd git-* Step 5:Compile and Install Git Start by Compiling the Git package using the make command. $ make prefix=/usr/local all Afterward, install the package by running the command below. $ sudo make prefix=/usr/local install Lastly, apply the changes with the command below. $ source /etc/environment That’s it. You now have Git installed. Check the version to confirm that we installed the latest one. $ git --version We have v 2.44.0, which is what we downloaded earlier. Configure Git on Ubuntu 24.04 Now that you’ve installed Git, the next recommended step is to configure your username and email. To achieve this, run the below commands and add your username to use when making a commit and the email address. $ git config --global user.name “your_name" $ git config --global user.email "your_email" You can now start using Git to make your commits on your repository. Conclusion Git is a widely used version control system, and there are two methods for installing it on Ubuntu 24.04. First, you can install it via APT from your default packages. Alternatively, you can source and compile the Git package to get the latest version. That’s it! View the full article
  2. When working with Terraform, one common question that arises is whether to include the .terraform.lock.hcl file in the Git repository or leave it out by adding it to .gitignore. This decision impacts the version control practices and reproducibility of your infrastructure deployments. In this article, we’ll explore the contents of the .terraform.lock.hcl file, discuss why […] The article Should .terraform.lock.hcl file be added to .gitignore or committed to Git repo? appeared first on Build5Nines. View the full article
  3. Merging two Git repositories together in not a common task. In my own consulting work, this is a task that does come up every so often when the code I’m working on needs to be moved from an initial Git repository, whether it’s GitHub or Azure DevOps, to another Git repository that will be the […] The article Git: Merge Repositories with History appeared first on Build5Nines. View the full article
  4. Git has become the dominant version control solution, enabling developers to efficiently manage and version their code. Central to Git's functionality is the concept of cloning, which involves creating a duplicate of a Git repository on your local machine from a remote source. When cloning a repository, it's crucial to specify the local destination folder rather than relying on the default location. This deliberate approach allows you to tailor the organization of your projects and repositories according to your preferences. In this article, I'll guide you through the process of effectively cloning a Git repository into a folder of your choice. To learn more about Git’s inner workings, check out the blog How Git Works. Cloning a Git Repository to a Specific Local FolderThis section dives into how to clone a Git repository using HTTPS and SSH. Cloning a Git Repository Using HTTPSThe git clone command creates a local copy of a repository from a remote source like GitHub. By default, it clones into a folder named after the repository in your current directory. However, you can specify any local folder as the destination. To clone a repository into a specific local folder: Use the git clone command with the repository URL, then the destination folder path:git clone https://github.com/user/repo.git /path/to/destinationIf the destination folder doesn't exist, Git will create it during cloning. If the folder already exists, Git will clone the repository into it. Verify the clone by accessing the destination folder and listing the files using the following command:cd /path/to/destination/folder dir (on Windows) ls (on macOS/Linux)This allows you to confirm that the repository was cloned properly into the correct location before making any changes. Example To clone this repository named Kode into a folder called 'KodeKloud' you can use the following command:git clone https://github.com/kodekloud/kode.git C:\Users\Chi.Salaam\Downloads\KodeKloudNow, to verify the repository has been successfully copied into the 'KodeKloud' folder, use:cd C:\Users\Chi.Salaam\Downloads\KodeKloud dirThis command will display a list of files and directories in the 'KodeKloud' folder. Look for the repository files and directories to confirm that the cloning was successful. Alternative MethodIn addition to the conventional method, there's an alternative approach that involves creating the folder beforehand and using the current directory as the destination. Maintaining the previous example, here's how you can do it: Create a folder called 'KodeKloud' and navigate into it.mkdir kodekloud cd kodekloudClone the Git repository into the Kodekloud directory (.)git clone https://github.com/kodekloud/kode.git .Using this method, the repository will be cloned directly into the folder you created (kodekloud). The dot (.) at the end of the git clone command signifies the current directory as the destination. Repeat the verification step to ensure it has been successfully copied into the desired folder. Cloning a Git Repository Using SSHIn addition to HTTPS, Git repositories can be cloned using the SSH protocol. Just like with HTTPS, SSH allows you to specify a destination folder rather than cloning it into the current directory. With your SSH key already generated, use the following command to clone to a specific folder: git clone ssh://username@host/path/to/repo.git /local/destination/folderReplace ‘ssh://username@host/path/to/repo.git’ with the SSH URL of the repository you want to clone and '/local/destination/folder' with the actual path to the folder where you want to clone the repository on your local machine. Example To clone this repository named Kode into a folder called 'KodeKloud' via SSH you can use the following command: git clone git@github.com:kodekloud/kode.git C:\Users\Chi.Salaam\Downloads\KodeKloudThis clones the "Kode" repository into the "KodeKloud" folder. You can repeat the verification step to ensure it has been successfully copied. Cloning with SSH vs. HTTPSWhen cloning remote Git repositories, one key consideration is which protocol offers superior security. Here we examine how HTTPS and SSH differ in their security approaches: 1. Authentication: HTTPS relies on username/password or tokens, which are potentially vulnerable to interception.SSH utilizes public-key cryptography, offering stronger authentication without transmitting sensitive credentials over the network.2. Encryption: HTTPS encrypts data transmission using SSL/TLS protocols, securing communication channels.SSH encrypts all communication between client and server, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged.3. Key Management: HTTPS involves managing passwords or tokens, which may require frequent updates and pose security risks.SSH requires managing key pairs, simplifying access control with fewer security vulnerabilities.4. Resilience to Attacks: HTTPS is vulnerable to password-based attacks like brute force or credential theft.SSH is resilient against such attacks due to its key-based authentication mechanism and robust encryption.5. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): HTTPS supports 2FA but still relies on passwords or secondary codes, which may introduce vulnerabilities.SSH implementations may support 2FA with additional security layers, further enhancing protection against unauthorized access.SSH generally provides superior security compared to HTTPS, but it is a bit more complex. Learn how to simplify credential management from our blog: Git Save Credentials: How to Save Your Passwords & Username. Tips and Best Practices Below are some best practices that you should follow when cloning a Git repository: Choose Descriptive Folder Names: When choosing a destination folder, opt for descriptive names. For instance, if cloning a project related to web development, consider a folder name like "web_project" instead of a generic name.Check for Existing Folders: Before cloning, check if the destination folder already exists. You can do this using:cd /path/to/descriptive/folderIf the folder exists, verify that it's intentional and not a mistake. If unintentional, consider using a different folder or remove the existing one. Considerations for Different Operating Systems: Be mindful of operating system differences in folder path conventions. Git supports both slash conventions but maintains consistency within a command. See the example below:# Windows git clone https://github.com/user/repo.git C:\Projects\Repo # Linux/macOS git clone https://github.com/user/repo.git /home/user/reposUsing the native path format for your OS avoids inconsistencies or errors when specifying clone destinations. FAQsQ1. Can I clone a repository into a folder with spaces in its name? Yes, you can. When specifying the destination folder path, enclose the path containing spaces within double quotation marks. For example: git clone https://github.com/user/repo.git "C:\Path to\Destination Folder"Q2. What if I want to clone a private repository? If the repository is private, you'll need to authenticate yourself with the Git server using HTTPS or SSH. For HTTPS, you'll be prompted to enter your username and password during the cloning process. For SSH, you'll need to set up SSH keys and configure them with your Git provider. Q3. Can I clone a specific branch of the repository? Yes, you can specify the branch you want to clone using the -b or --branch option followed by the branch name. For example: git clone -b branch_name https://github.com/user/repo.git /path/to/destination Q4. What if I encounter permission- denied errors during cloning? Permission-denied errors can occur if you don't have the necessary permissions to access the repository. Ensure that you have the appropriate access rights,i.e., edit and read permissions. Conclusion While the standard git clone command copies a repository for local work, taking control of the destination path establishes clear boundaries, effectively segregating environments and preventing tangled code. This intentional approach not only enhances organization but also contributes to a more streamlined and manageable version control process. Enroll in our Git for Beginners course to learn and practice more Git concepts. View the full article
  5. Your version control system, like Git, is a primary vector for secret sprawl, unintentional source poisoning, and intentional source poisoning. In a shift left model, there are degrees of leftness. The most left you can get is to test all the code before the developer tries to commit anything and train them thoroughly in the best practices. But when we rely on people to remember to do things consistently and correctly, we're cutting holes in the safety net. We need mechanisms. At Amazon, they have a saying: "Good intentions don't work. Mechanisms do." Humans can feel fatigued, rushed, distracted, or otherwise encumbered, and despite all intentions to follow best practices, they don't. When you automate enforcement of best practices, you can ensure those practices are followed in a much more consistent and correct fashion. View the full article
  6. Nearly every developer on the planet has heard or has ever used Git and other associated Git services such as hosting platforms with GitHub, GitLab, GoGs, etc. When performing Git operations on Git hosting services such as GitHub, you might encounter the “git pre-receive hook declined” error message. This can be inconvenient especially for new Git users as they do not know how to troubleshoot it. In this post, we will explore what this error means and how to fix it to allow you to perform your desired Git operations. What Causes this Error? The “pre-receive hook declined” error mainly occurs when you try to push the changes to a branch or repo in which you do not have sufficient permissions. It mainly indicates that the pre-receive hook has rejected the specified commits. The pre-receive hook is a script that analyzes the incoming commits and decides if they allow into the branch or not. There are various causes of this error. They include: Pushing to the Main Branch Unless you are working in a personal repository, most public repos have the master or main branch marked as protected. This means that you are not allowed to push the changes directly into the main branch. It is the role of the repo admin to verify the changes that you push (from another branch), accept or reject them, and finally merge them into the main branch. To fix this error, you can either mark the master branch as unprotected (if you own the repo) or push to the correct branch. You can also contact the administrator of the repository to give you permission to push into the main branch if necessary. NOTE: For most cases, it is just recommended to create a pull request and wait for the administrator to approve your changes. The changes can then be merged into the main branch without actually modifying the permissions of the main branch. Pushing to the Protected Branch Apart from the master branch, you may be trying to push the changes to another branch that is marked as protected. In this case, you can either mark the branch as unprotected or just ask for permission to push the changes into the protected branch. Non-Fast-Forward Push In some cases, another developer might push the commits to the same branch as you. If you didn’t fetch and merge the new changes, attempting to push your new changes can lead to this error. To fix it, use the “git pull” command to update your branch and fix this error. $ git pull Conclusion In this tutorial, we learned about the “git pre receive hook declined” error when pushing changes to a Git repo. This is mainly caused by insufficient permissions on the target branch or pushing to the incorrect branch. Just check to which branch you are pushing or modify the permissions of the branch. View the full article
  7. The “git tip of your current branch is behind” error message occurs when your local Git branch is not up-to-date with the recent changes in the remote branch that it is tracking. For example, someone else pushes the changes to the remote repository but you have not downloaded them to have the latest version of the branch. In this tutorial, we will quickly go over the steps that you can take to resolve this to ensure that you have the latest changes in your branch. Step 1: Switch to the Target Branch The first step is to navigate into the repository directory. You can then switch to the target branch that you want to update. We can do this by running the “git checkout” command: $ git checkout master If you are not using the master branch, replace it with the name of the branch that you wish to update. Step 2: Update the Branch Once you are in the target branch, you need to fetch the latest changes from the remote repository. This downloads the latest updates and ensures that the local copy is in sync with the remote branches without merging them into the current branch. Run the following “git fetch” command: $ git fetch Step 3: Confirm the Changes Once the update is complete, run the “git status” command to check the status of the local branch in comparison to the remote branch. $ git status The command shows the status of your local branch including how many commits that your branch is behind or ahead. Step 4: Rebase or Merge In order to update the local branch to match the remote one, you can either merge the changes or rebase the branch. If you choose to merge, Git will combine the changes from one branch into another branch and incorporate the new changes. To merge, run the following command: $ git merge origin/master This should merge the changes. To rebase, run the following command: $ git rebase origin/master Rebasing rewrites your commit history; use it with caution. Step 5: Push the Changes Once you merge or rebase the changes, you can resolve any rising conflicts and push the changes. $ git push Conclusion The “git tip of your current branch is behind” error means that you do not have the latest changes from the remote repo. The solution is to download them and update the branch to match. View the full article
  8. Version control is essential for modern software teams. According to a recent survey by StackOverflow, Git is used by over 90% of developers, far surpassing other version control systems like SVN and Mercurial. Have you ever wondered exactly how Git enables powerful features like branching, merging, and distributed collaboration? In this article, we’ll unravel the inner workings of Git and illuminate the architecture that empowers its widespread adoption. We’ll explore concepts like distributed repositories, staging areas, commits, and more. You’ll learn how these components come together to enable game-changing workflows like feature branching and continuous integration. Key Takeaways Git uses a three-stage architecture - working directory, staging area, and local repository to optimize change tracking.Key concepts like committing, branching, merging, and remotes enable powerful version control workflows.Git maintains an extensive history and provides commands like git log and git diff to analyze changes over time.Git Architecture & ComponentsWhile many version control systems use a two-tier architecture consisting of a repository and a working copy, Git distinguishes itself with a three-stage model optimized for tracking changes: the working directory, staging area, and local repository. Additionally, Git includes the concept of remote repositories for collaboration. Git architectureThe three main components in Git each serve distinct roles: Working Directory: This is the actual directory where project files are located. Modifications made to files in the working directory are considered 'untracked' until explicitly staged for commit.Staging Area (Index): The staging area acts as an intermediate step between the working directory and the .git directory. Files in the staging area are 'staged' to be included in the next commit. This allows for a selective and controlled approach to committing changes..git Directory (Local Repository): The .git directory serves as the core container for Git's version control system, containing metadata, object database, and configuration information. The .git directory stores committed snapshots, manages the project's history, and facilitates various Git operations.As previously mentioned, in addition to these three components, Git leverages Remote repositories: Remote Repositories: Remote repositories serve as centralized hubs where team members can push and pull changes, ensuring a synchronized and collaborative development process.Key Git ConceptsGit facilitates powerful version control and collaboration by employing a model based on commits, branches, merging, and remote repositories. This section explains how these key concepts work together to enable version control. Committing ChangesThe commit lies at the heart of Git version control. A commit permanently stores changes from the working directory as a new revision in the project’s history. This creates a commit object with the following steps: Adding changes - The git add command stages edits from the working directory to be included in the next commit. This adds files to the staging area.Committing locally - The git commit command snapshots changes from the staging area and adds the commit to the local repository timeline creating a new revision. Commits always include metadata like a timestamp and author.By repeating this edit, stage, and commit cycle, developers build up linear project history over time. BranchingBranches act as movable pointers to different commits, allowing for parallel development. For example, we can create a new branch to add a feature without impacting the main codebase: git branch new-feature git switch new-featureNow you can make commits on the new-feature branch to develop the new feature while the main branch remains unchanged. This allows you to work on multiple streams of development in parallel. Creating branches - The git branch command generates new branch pointers, creating independent streams of development.Switching branches - Developers toggle between branches using the git switch command to work on features in isolation. Learn more about switching branches from this blog: Git Switch vs. Checkout: What’s the Difference?Branching enables powerful workflows for testing ideas, fixing issues, and adding features without impacting the main code. MergingMerging integrates branch changes together, unifying divergent work into one codebase. Building on the previous example, once you complete a feature, you can easily merge it back into the main branch using the git merge command: git checkout main git merge new-featureTogether, branching and merging enable workflows for parallel development without impacting the main code. RemotesRemotes refer to shared repositories stored on remote servers. Teams collaborate across a network by: Pushing - Developers use git push to transfer commits from local repositories up to centrally hosted remote repositories like GitHub or GitLab.Pulling – git pull fetches the latest changes from remotes down to local machines so developers stay up to date.This remote sharing model is what makes Git distributed, enabling incredible collaboration. Common Commands in GitWhile many commands exist for specialized Git workflows, developers primarily rely on a few commands for staging and committing changes: git init – Sets up the necessary configuration files and folders to initialize an existing directory as a fresh Git repository ready for version control.git clone – Creates a local duplicate of a repository. It copies the entire codebase, branches, and history and sets up remote tracking so the cloned repos stay in sync.git add – Marks files in the working directory that have been newly created or altered to be included in the next commit. This adds them to the staging area.git commit - Records the files within the staging area as a new commit in the repository update history.git push/pull – Synchronizes changes from a local repository to a remote repository. git push transfers committed changes to remote repositories, making them accessible to others collaborating on the same project. git pull retrieves the latest commits from the remote, updating the local repository with the changes made by others.Git History & Version TrackingGit maintains historical records and provides tools for understanding precisely when and how the code evolved. Viewing HistoryThe git log command is a powerful tool for examining the history of a Git repository. It displays a chronological list of commits, providing essential details such as authorship, dates, commit messages, and change statistics for the current branch. Below are git log options you can use to narrow down the history to specific information. Commits introducing or modifying specific files Use the following command to focus on commits related to a specific file or path: git log -- filename or pathThis command helps you trace the history of changes to a particular file or directory. Commits by Specific AuthorsTo filter the log based on the commits made by specific authors, use: git log --author="AuthorName"This command is useful when you want to examine the contributions made by a specific individual. Specific Date Ranges of DevelopmentTo filter commits made within specific date ranges of development, specify the time period you want to focus on. For example: git log --since="2023-01-01" --until="2023-12-31"This command filters the git log output to only show commits made during the specified timeframe between the start date of 2023-01-01 and the end date of 2023-12-31. Changes to Code vs. Larger Architectural ChangesUtilize options like --grep and --oneline to distinguish between changes to code and larger architectural modifications. --grep="string" allows you to search for commits containing a specific string, helping you find changes related to a particular functionality or issue.--oneline condenses the log output, displaying each commit on a single line. This is useful for a more concise overview of the commit history.Comparing VersionsThe git diff command highlights differences between code versions, including commits, branches, and files in the working directory. It shows changes in history, diverging work in branches, and uncommitted changes. Additionally, it offers options for analyzing changes from various perspectives: Comparing the Staging Area to the Last CommitTo assess the disparities between the files in the staging area and the last commit, run this command: git diff --stagedAnalyzing Unstaged, Uncommitted Current File State:For a detailed examination of the current state of unstaged and uncommitted files, run the command: git diffCompare Commits Across BranchesTo compare commits between different branches, run the command: git diff branch1..branch2This command will show the differences in content, additions, and deletions between branch1 and branch2. Reverting ChangesIf issues emerge, previous states can be restored using git reset, git checkout, or git revert: git reset rewinds history reverting undesired modificationsgit checkout directly extracts files from old commitsgit revert creates new commits undoing previous commitsWith Git, you can see when changes to the code were made and can undo them. Undoing them returns the code to a state it once was in. Customizing GitBeyond tracking code changes, Git offers numerous ways to tailor and adapt its functionality to suit personal workflows or project needs. Customizations allow you to streamline repetitious commands, automate actions upon events, exclude temporary files from version control, and more. Configuration Settings Git configuration values are stored in .gitconfig files; we customize how Git works by adjusting the values in this file. The settings control: User information – Configures details like your name, email, and signing key for commit authorship.Useful settings – Customizes preferred text editor, pagination, line endings, and other interactions.Levels – Sets configuration precedence with local, global, and system-level settings. Local settings apply to a single repository. Global settings apply to all repositories for a user. System settings apply across the entire computer.Aliases Aliases defined in configs assign shortcuts for complex commands. For instance, an alias like git ci can be used instead of typing out git commit. Aliases streamline workflows by chaining multiple actions into a single command. For instance, you could create an alias to checkout a branch, pull the latest changes, and open the project editor using the following command: [alias] workon = "!git checkout $1 && git pull origin $1 && code ."Now running git workon new-feature would switch to the new-feature branch, pull the latest remote changes, and open the project in VS Code - chaining all those steps into one alias command. Hooks Hooks in Git are triggers that execute custom scripts in response to specified events such as committing, merging, or pushing code. On the server side, hooks extend Git's functionality by managing actions such as backups, notifications, deployments, linting, and more, effectively enhancing Git's capabilities around these key events. Ignoring Files The .gitignore file outlines file patterns Git should intentionally exclude from version control, for instance, build artifacts, logs, dependencies, etc. Ignoring non-source files avoids polluting history with extraneous changes. Learn how to effectively use and troubleshoot .gitignore from this blog: How to Fix "git ignore" Not Working Error? Git Best PracticesBelow are some best practices you should adhere to when using Git: Descriptive Commit MessagesClear and well-crafted commit messages provide essential context regarding the reasons behind code changes. Good commit hygiene includes: Provide a brief and clear summary of commits using the subject line.Offer a thorough explanation in the commit body for intricate or complex changes.Use imperative statements in the present tense such as "Fix typo" or "Refactor code." Avoid passive statements like "Typo was fixed."Follow team conventions and frameworks like Conventional Commits to structure messages.Frequent CommittingFrequent committing results in a detailed history that captures small, incremental changes rather than sporadic heavy revisions. Some benefits include: Improved context on when and why updates occurred.Ability to revert tiny increments instead of big bang changes.Eases analyzing differences between versions.Encourages small single-purpose updates.Regular SynchronizationSmooth collaboration relies on consistently synchronizing local work with shared remote repositories. Make the following a habit: Pushing local commits often to share new changes with the team. Frequently pulling others' updates from remote repos to integrate cross-functional progress.Resolving integration conflicts immediately when they arise rather than allowing conflicts to accumulate. Early attention reduces troublesome merges.Strategic BranchingLeverage branches to compartmentalize defined types of development. Follow these best practices when working with branches: Keep canonical branches such as "main" and "develop" to consolidate ongoing progress.Create descriptive branches for features and fixes, isolating efforts (e.g., "payment-form").Implement version branches like "v1.0" for major milestones.Remove integrated branches to streamline active lines and enhance clarity in the project history. Learn more about deleting branches from this blog: How to Delete Local and Remote Branches in GitLeveraging .gitignoreUtilize the .gitignore file to exclude file patterns from version control (e.g., temporary files, compiled binaries, secrets). This will prevent the pollution of your commit history with extraneous changes unrelated to the core code. ConclusionAt its core, Git simplifies version control through a commit-branch-merge-push cycle. This fundamental workflow, coupled with Git's distributed architecture, enables robust version tracking, scalable collaboration, and tailored workflows. Interested in learning Git with simple visualizations and animations as well as by solving lab challenges, check out our Git for Beginners Course. View the full article
  9. Any developer requires Git for version control to help manage and track your project’s new versions. As a decentralized version control system, Git is handy in numerous ways. For instance, you can clone the projects, share the projects, commit changes, collaborate with other developers, etc. To use Git, you must install it on your system, add the required config details, and start utilizing the “git” commands to get your tasks done. For Linux Mint users, this post guides you on the simplest way to install Git. Take a look! How to Install Git on Linux Mint One beauty of Git is that it is free and cross-platform. As such, you can use it whenever you are ready and on any platform. We detailed the steps that you should follow. Step 1: Update Your Linux Mint Repository When installing any package, it’s best to get the latest version from the Linux Mint repository. Thus, start by refreshing “apt” with the following command: $ sudo apt update Once you confirmed that all packages are updated, quickly check to ascertain that Git is not installed on your system. The “git –version” command will do the trick. Step 2: Install the Git Package Linux Mint supports Git and you can install it from the Linux Mint official repository. Utilize the following command and let it run to completion: $ sudo apt install git -y Depending on your internet speed, the installation should be quick, and you will get an output which confirms that Git has been successfully installed. Proceed to confirm so by checking the installed version. For our case, we installed the Git version 2.34.1 as displayed in the following: That’s it. You now have Git installed on your Linux Mint. From here, the next step should be configuring Git to allow you to start working on your projects. Simple Git Configuration in Linux Mint You must configure a Git account to use it on your Linux Mint terminal. For that, you need to set up a username and an email. For instance, you can use the same email on your GitHub account to allow a seamless connection between Git and GitHub when working and pushing your project. To configure a username for your account, use the following syntax: $ git config --global user.name <username> Here, we set our username to be “linuxhint-git”. You only need to set the email for the new account. Utilize the following syntax: $ git config --global user.name <email> Once you set up your account details, Git allows you to display the user information. For that, you should use the following command: $ git config --list Notice how the information that we configured earlier displays on the terminal, confirming that our new account is properly set. Furthermore, we need to create a workspace where all your Git projects will be installed. This workspace is your project’s directory, and you initialize it before you can start executing the “git” commands. We use the “mkdir” command to create the /gitproject. Next, let’s initialize the Git repository using the “git init” command and specify the target project’s repository which is the newly created workspace directory. $ git init <directory> You will get a similar output to the one in the following, and the last line in the output will confirm that your repository has been successfully initialized. With that, you can use the “git” commands and work on your project. For instance, you can clone a repository, start a project, or push any commits. Check out the “git” commands to utilize your newly initialized Git repository. Conclusion Git is undoubtedly a handy version control system. Knowing how to utilize it properly simplifies your activities as a developer, and its benefits are numerous. In Linux Mint, you can follow the detailed steps in this guide to install Git. Moreover, we explained how to set up a new account and initialize your first Git repository. View the full article
  10. Imagine you've been hosting your project on GitHub, enjoying its familiar interface and tools. However, in a hypothetical scenario, GitHub experiences a temporary service outage, making it challenging to access your project when you need it the most. While such outages are rare, they can disrupt your workflow. To ensure uninterrupted development, you decide to migrate your project to a different hosting service, such as GitLab. Right here is where the basic skill of migrating your remote repository from one host to another using Git comes in handy. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of changing the remote origin in Git, enabling you to transition between remote repositories easily... View the full article
  11. Git is a powerful version control system (used stand-alone, with GitHub, and Azure DevOps) that allows developers to keep track of changes in their codebase. However, mistakes can happen, and there may be times when you accidentally commit the wrong changes to your local Git repository. Fortunately, Git provides a way to undo the most […] The article Git: Reset / Undo Most Recent Local Commit appeared first on Build5Nines. View the full article
  12. You may often be in a situation where you need to change a commit message in Git. You probably made a typo in your commit message or need to edit it to adequately capture the changes made in the commit. You may have also accidentally added sensitive data or just want to abide by your team’s policy by writing your Git commit message in a specific format. Whatever scenario you find yourself in, we will show you how you can modify Git commit messages... View the full article Want a quick intro to Git and how to set it up in your system? Check out this video:
  13. GitKraken's suite of tools is designed to make it simpler for developers to move between multiple application environments. View the full article
  14. The post How to Install Git and Set Up Git Account on Linux first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides .Git is a free and open source, fast and distributed version control system (VCS), which by design is based on speed, efficient performance, and data The post How to Install Git and Set Up Git Account on Linux first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides.View the full article
  15. Git workflows are powerful tools that help streamline the software development process. Here are five of the most popular. View the full article
  16. AWS Glue now supports GitLab and BitBucket, alongside GitHub and AWS CodeCommit, broadening your toolset for managing data integration pipeline deployments. AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it simpler to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development. View the full article
  17. The post 11 Best Graphical Git Clients and Git Repository Viewers for Linux first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides .Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system for software development and several other version control tasks. It is designed to cope with The post 11 Best Graphical Git Clients and Git Repository Viewers for Linux first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides.View the full article
  18. In Git, when users want to combine the commit history of two branches without merging it, the “git rebase” command can be used. The rebasing operation pushes the commits history of one branch at the top of another local branch, and the HEAD pointer moves to it. Basically, it temporarily rewinds the commits on their current working branch. This study will discuss the method of rebasing one local branch on top of another. How to Perform Rebase On One Git Branch on Top of Another? Follow the below-given procedure to rebase Git one branch on top of another branch: Go to the particular repository. Check the remote URL list. Download a copy of the updated remote repository. List all the branches, including both remote and local. View the reference log history and execute the “git rebase <remote-name> /<local-branch-name>” command. Step 1: Switch to Git Local Repository First, move to the particular Git repository by providing its path in the “cd” command: $ cd "C:\Users\nazma\Git\perk3" Step 2: Show Remote URL List Then, run the following command to check the remote URL list: $ git remote -v Step 3: Download Latest Version of Remote Repository To download the copy of the updated version of the remote repository, use the “git fetch” command: $ git fetch Step 4: View List of Local and Remote Branch After that, execute the “git branch” command to get the list of local and fetched remote branches: $ git branch -a Here, the “-a” option represents all. It can be seen that all branches are displayed, and we have selected the “alpha” branch for further process: Step 5: View Log History Now, check the list of the Git repository log history through the “git reflog .” command: $ git reflog . Step 6: Rebase Particular Branch Finally, use the “git rebase” command along with the remote name and selected local branch: $ git rebase origin/alpha According to the below-given output, the rebasing is performed successfully: Step 7: Ensure Rebasing Operation Lastly, execute the below-stated command to verify the rebasing operation: $ git reflog . It can be seen that the “alpha” branch commit is rebased on top of the other branch commit history: That’s all! You have learned how to rebase one Git branch on top of other local branches. Conclusion To rebase Git one branch on top of another branch, first, move to the particular repository. Then, check the remote URL list and download a copy of the updated remote repository. Next, list all the branches, including both remote and local. Now, check the reference log history and execute the “git rebase <remote-name>/<local-branch-name>” command. This study illustrated the method of rebasing one local branch on top of another. View the full article
  19. Stash is one of the major functions of the Git platform that enables users to save changes. It is referred to as temporary storage. However, sometimes developers in Git are required to switch Git repositories or branches to review other branch functionalities or to fix bugs. In this type of scenario, the stash is utilized to temporarily save the current changes of a working repository in the Stash index. After saving changes, Git users can easily switch to another branch. This blog will elaborate on how to Git stash pop a specific Git. How to Git stash Pop Specific Stash? To pop the specific Git stash, first, open the repository of Git. Next, view the list of stashes and note the stash reference. After that, utilize the Git “stash” along with stash reference to pop the specific stash. For this purpose, the below provided instructions are effective enough. Step 1: Launch Git Terminal From the Windows “Startup” menu, open the Git command line terminal: Step 2: Move to Repository Utilize the “cd <repo-path>” command to move to the repository: $ cd "C:Git" Step 3: Create New File Next, create a text file by executing the “touch” command: $ touch File.txt Step 4: Track the New File Add the text file to the repository tracking index with the help of the given command: $ git add File.txt Check the repository state and confirm if the text file is added to the tracking index or not: $ git status Step 5: Create New Stash To create a new stash before moving to another branch, take a look at the provided command: $ git stash Next, view the stash list and note the reference of the stash you want to pop: $ git stash list For instance, let’s pop the Git stash with the reference “2”: Step 6: Apply Specific Stash Now, pop out or apply the specific stash using the “git stash apply <stash@{reference}>” command: $ git stash apply stash@{2} Here, you can see we have successfully popped the specific stash in Git: Here we go! We have elaborated on the method to pop the specific stash using the Git “stash” command. Conclusion To pop the specific stash using Git “stash”, first, navigate to the repository of Git. View the list of available stashes and note the reference number of stashes you want to pop. After that, utilize the “git stash apply <stash@{reference}>” command to pop the specific stash. This post has demonstrated how the Git stash pops the specific stash. View the full article
  20. https://github.com/girliemac/a-picture-is-worth-a-1000-words/tree/main/git-purr Also see; https://github.com/girliemac/a-picture-is-worth-a-1000-words
  21. AppSmith has added support for Git repositories to an open source framework for building custom applications using a low-code platform based on the JavaScript programming language. Rishabh Kaul, head of marketing for AppSmith, said the Git support will make it simpler for developers to manage version control as they iteratively build applications using a set […] The post AppSmith Adds Git Support to Low-Code App Dev Framework appeared first on DevOps.com. View the full article
  22. Read More: https://faun.pub/introduction-to-gitops-part-1-cba452d4e90a Prerequisites Basic Understanding of Git & GitHub Basic Understanding of Cloud Computing Basic Understanding of Kubernetes Basic Understanding of CI/CD Deployment
  23. Working together effectively with your team is critical to any mission, whether you're taking on the galactic empire or pushing code through your DevOps pipeline. Helping teams of all sizes work faster and safer with Git has always been part of our mission at GitKraken, and now we've added support for Azure DevOps repos in Workspaces. Here are just a few highlights of this release: Workspaces for Azure DevOps - Group repos from Azure DevOps projects to share with teams. Filter Workspace Pull Requests by Repo - easily find PRs opened by you or at risk, or search by repo. Share Workspaces with Specific Teams - sharing repos with the people who work on them has never been easier. GitKraken CLI Command for Interactive Rebase - use `gk rebase -i` or `gk rebase --interactive` to open the interactive rebase view for 2 refs. The force has never been stronger for teams using GitKraken Client... Full Details: https://www.gitkraken.com/blog/gitkraken-client-v8-5
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